"Life is the dancer and you are the dance."
Eckhart Tolle

Friday, December 17, 2010

nature, life, a dead woman big tent poetry #33 - dead man poetry

i. The dead woman wondering about nature:

Rivoli’s hummingbirds circle round 
flowers searching for sweet nectar.
I stare between creased petals,
watching the sun rising from
behind a disintegrating building.
All hope seems blighted.

I have draped myself in muslin cloth to
shed my skin of yesterday. All juvenility is
replaced with worn out memories. But
the colourful birds still entrance me.
I move closer.

ii. More about the dead woman wondering about nature:

While I died with those thorns fastened
deep within my heart, I thought of nothing
but the beauty of the arts, as music played
from grand pianos and violins in a stream.
Syncopation runs rampant and furious.

I count the seconds on my wristwatch.
It seems they are moving backwards, so
I may wait a little longer. As an apparition
I can unite with the living one more time.
To  savor the artistry of existing and
delighting in what surrounds me.


  1. I like the quote that you'd used just below the Header. It breaks my heart that it is happening and many feel powerless to stop it.


  2. Your poems are so different from others to this prompt, and made me realise how shallowly I had thought about it. I like these very much.

  3. Adoro la naturaleza. La transición entre una vista por la vida y la muerte del mundo natural está muy bien hecho. Me gusta este poema mucho. Deseo para ustedes un muy Feliz Navidad.
    Un cordial saludo,

  4. An amazing piece of inspiration...

  5. The "I have draped my skin in muslin cloth" just got to me. Wow.

    Such a rooted, soulful quality, Pamela. I enjoyed your words immensely.

    My Poem for the week.

  6. Pamela--Wow! This piece moves me deeply. It's nice to be back in the circuit and have time to enjoy your work. This evokes sadness and hope in me. Well done, extremely. From hummingbird to muslin cloth to crown of thorns, I am impressed with your work. Thanks--Brenda

  7. "...All juvenility is
    replaced with worn out memories. But
    the colourful birds still entrance me."

    A lovely and moving piece. Makes the whole prompt worthwhile for me. My dead man also had a watch, but not with such pleasant results.

  8. I especially love the second stanza of Part One. The image will not leave my brain - lovely.

  9. I especially liked these lines:
    I count the seconds on my wristwatch.
    It seems they are moving backwards, so
    I may wait a little longer.

    Wonderful poem.

  10. Really like what you have done, Pamela. You moved the form to a higher level and made it far more approachable somehow. Love your choice of words and images. Brava!


  11. Impressive piece. A wonderful read, evocative and accessible. I love it.

  12. This is exquisite. I think I'm mustering up the courage to try the form. Really enjoyed your imagery and the fact that, as tumblewords put it, it was so accessible.

  13. Wonderful. I love the seconds moving backwards.

  14. This has a stateliness to it that I find compelling. It is like one of those small films you sometimes run across.

  15. so much sweetness and beauty in this!

  16. I loved the entire piece, but the first three lines of the second stanza are a world unto themselves...amazing!

  17. Beautiful and lyrical. I love the reflection on time in the last stanza.

  18. this is very good Pam...really enjoyed reading this.....thanks for sharing

  19. Super! I especially liked the first stanza. The named hummingbird, the muslin, the youth.

  20. Thanks to all of you for the very nice comments.
    I am wishing everyone of you a very happy holiday.
    May peace and love fill your lives.

  21. So much is contained in that image of the seconds moving backwards.

  22. Thanks Tilly.
    Happy holidays to you and your family.

  23. I like the first person and how it really reinforces this fleeting moment, one last chance to savor before moving on.

  24. Hello my friend James.
    I hope all is well with you.
    Wishing you a wonderful holiday season.
