"Life is the dancer and you are the dance."
Eckhart Tolle

Thursday, May 26, 2011

"Life in your Room" Poets United Thursday Think Tank #51-chocolate

Willows rest in place under a dimness
Big brass horns playing in a sad foreground
Piles of chocolate on your table,
consumed as it slowly melts in your hands

Fine down pillows, mahogany bed frames,
neon lights short circuit at 3 am
Streets glisten from rain; thick air like casing
Moisture fills your sleep apnea; sweat forms
somewhere beneath your eyes furrowed sorrow

A worn little puppet sits on your shelf
It’s reminiscent of days now long past
His clothes are torn and dirty, sewn little
patches of gathered scraps; hope can’t hold him
together.  Watch the sunrise fill your room
Look out your window for crows with black plumes


  1. "; hope can’t hold him
    together. ' lovely line. Can imagine the room. Nice!

  2. This is inspired, Pamela! i like the images.

  3. There's a powerful sense of insomniac claustrophobia to this intense poem. Disturbing and highly effective.

  4. Thanks for the visit butterflies!

  5. Mary, I started this yesterday, and I wasn't sure where I was going with it. Then I saw the "chocolate" prompt, and changed a few lines. This is the end result.

  6. I had a southern cityscape in mind for this, Dick. Hot, sticky, humid night with no where to go, and you can't sleep. I am glad it was effective. Thanks.

  7. this is haunting. it's beautiful and melancholy.

    (it's Fireblossom...Blogger isn't letting me comment sometimes, lately)

  8. Thanks Shay, I am glad it had that effect.

  9. What a lovely, dreamy poem. beautiful use of this prompt.

  10. Pam,
    Just as you had replied to Mary, I often do the same. I just sort of dream around some lines and then where it is convenient later, relate it to a prompt following some minor changes. Yours turned out beautifully!

  11. So so beautiful. I love the wonderfully rich images. You put me right there.

  12. A bit haunting but probably so reminiscent of so many lives and you bring me there into this one. Nicely done!

  13. Thanks Renee, it could describe many a person's life. Sad but true.

  14. Lovely imagery here.

    Nicely done!

  15. I am late with my comment on this very effective sleepless hot night poem--chocolate melting and all! Seems to me to show that between sleep and awake state of being--what a relief either sleep or daylight!

  16. Thanks Peggy. It has been an inferno here, and believe that where much of this came from.

  17. Looking for a way to e-mail you directly Pamela but will try this. You asked about Guatemala--we LOVED it. We had expected it to be Mexico-South, but it was so distinct. There are of course the drug cartels there now, but you might be familiar with them living in Mexico. We were glad to have out guide and always felt quite safe. He was a marvelous person. I can send you his name and more details about our trip. Peggan@aol.com

  18. Thanks Peggy. Will email you right away. No drug cartels in this area as of yet. Thank goodness.

  19. It felt like a dream, wonderful and visually stunning~

  20. Life is a lot like chocolate, melting slowly in our hands. You capture the moment with vivid language that slowly melts into the mind. Good one Pamela,


  21. Great job Pam!

    Hope you've been well! I've missed ya!

