This depression hits me at times when I least expect it
It always unwelcomed and always like a stranger
That I don’t want to see
Or meet so if you must come to me
Can’t you at least come in the guise of a friend?
Who is looking out for my best?
Here I have nothing to do, but maybe die
Oh the sound of death
The song I want to sing
The chorus I want to join
Will they let me?
Back to the beginning when things were easy
Oh how I loved living
I enjoyed so many small pleasures
But now I just feel the same
Things bore the shit out of me
So easily and what is really happening here?
That is my question
I am so sad and depressed
Bored and alone with no one to want
Because they make me sick
All my options are shit
Go away will you please
Leave me alone
I prefer that as opposed to this
You bother me and I don’t like you at all
So just go away please
Can’t the voices of depression leave me alone?
Red Wolf Journal Spring 2014, and a fresh start
10 years ago